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Did you know…

The more a child hears their own mother talk negatively about their body, the more likely they are to dislike their own bodies and try weight loss techniques, even as young as ages 4-6.

Are you a momma, momma to be or someone who’s passionate about changing the next generation’s body image for the better?

The Momma Body Love Workshop will guide you on how to:

  1. Improve your postpartum body image.

  2. Better your own body image to model it for your children.

  3. Set your children up for success when it comes to their own relationship with their bodies.

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Children learn through our own behaviors and beliefs.

What are your children learning about bodies through your behaviors and beliefs about your own body?

What if you could help your child learn that their body never needs to be fixed, that it is enough exactly as it is?

Improving your own body image will help you model better body image to your children.

And what this means to you is attending the workshop will give you clarity of the process to better body image.

This will help you extend the ladder to your children so they can grow up with a different relationship to their bodies than you had.

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Meet Your Teacher

Hey there, I’m Victoria! I’m a non-diet registered dietitian, intuitive eating counselor, body image educator and a momma to my two year old daughter.

Becoming a mother completely changed my perspective of the importance of better body image for ourselves and our children.

In this workshop I’ll be sharing everything I believe you need to know to better your own body image to model it to your children and set them up for success to have a healthy relationship with their bodies.